Catálogo | Tipo | Cita |
[Roble] | BB | Bucher, K., Grapes, R.. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. 8th ed. Springer Verlag. 2011 |
[Roble] | BB | Castro Dorado, Antonio. Petrografía de rocas ígneas y metamórficas / Antonio Castro Dorado . Madrid : Paraninfo, 2015 |
[Roble] | BB | Gill, Robin. Igneous rocks and processes : a practical guide / Robin Gill . Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 |
[Roble] | BB | Raymond, Loren A.. Petrology : the study of igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks. Vol. 2, Sedimentary petrology / Loren A. Raymond Dubuque, IA : Wm.C. Brown, cop. 1995 |
[Roble] | BB | Winter, John D.. An introduction to igneous and metamorphic petrology / John D. Winter. Upper Saddle River (New Jersey) : Prentice Hall , cop. 2001. |
[Roble] | BC | Barker, A.J.. Introduction to metamorphic textures and microstructures / A.J. Barker . - 2nd ed. Cheltanham : Stanley Thornes, 1998 |
[Roble] | BC | Best, Myron G.. Igneous and metamorphic petrology / Myron G. Best . - 2nd ed. Malden : Blackwell, cop. 2003 |
[Roble] | BC | Blenkinsop, Tom. Deformation microstructures and mechanisms in minerals and rocks / by Tom Blenkinsop Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, cop. 2000 |
[Roble] | BC | Gill, Robin. Chemical fundamentals of geology / Robin Gill . - 2nd ed. London [etc.] : Chapman & Hall, 1996 |
[Roble] | BC | Hall, Anthony. Igneous petrology / Antohony Hall . - 1st ed., 3rd imp., [2nd] repr. Burnt Mill, Harlow [etc.] : Longman Scientific & Technical [etc.], 1993 |
[Roble] | BC | Igneous rocks : a classification and glossary of terms : recommendations of the International Union of Geological Sciences, Subcomission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks / edited by R. W. Le Maitre; A. Streckeisen... [et al] . - 2nd ed. Cambrigde : Cambridge University Press, 2004 |
| BC | Klein, C., Philpotts, A. R.. Earth Materials: Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2016 |
[Roble] | BC | Mackenzie, W.S.. Atlas de petrografía : minerales formadores de rocas en lámina delgada / W. S. Mackenzie, C. Guilford ; versión española, Marceliano Lago San José y Enrique Arranz Yagüe Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, cop. 1996 |
[Roble] | BC | Mackenzie, W.S.. Atlas de rocas ígneas y sus texturas / W.S. Mackenzie, C.H. Donaldson, C. Guilford ; versión española de Marceliano Lago San José y Enrique Arranz Yagüe Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, cop. 1996|e(Hong-Kong) |
[Roble] | BC | Mackenzie, W.S.. Atlas en color de rocas y minerales en lámina delgada / W.S. Mackenzie, A.E. Adams ; versión española, Marceliano Lago San José y Enrique Arranz Yagüe Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, 1997 |
[Roble] | BC | McBirney, Alexander R.. Igneous Petrology / Alexander R. McBirney . - 3rd. ed. Boston : Jones and Bartlett , cop. 2007 |
[Roble] | BC | Metamorphic rocks : a classification and glossary of terms : recommendations of the International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks / editors D. Fettes and J. Desmons ; contributing authors P. Árkai ... [et al.]. . - 1st published Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2007 |
[Roble] | BC | Nédélec, Anne. Granites : petrology, structure, geological setting, and metallogeny / Anne Nédélec and Jean-Luc Bouchez ; translated and updated with the participation of Peter Bowden . Oxford: Univerity Press, 2015 |
[Roble] | BC | Nesse, William D.. Introduction to optical mineralogy / William D. Nesse . - 2nd ed New York : Oxford University Press, 1991 |
[Roble] | BC | Passchier, C.W.. Microtectonics / Cees W. Passchier, Rudolph A.J. Trouw . - 2nd, rev. and enl. ed Berlin [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2005 |
[Roble] | BC | Vernon, R. H.. Principles of metamorphic petrology / R.H. Vernon, G.L. Clarke . - [1st ed.] New York [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2008 |
[Roble] | BC | Yardley, Bruce W.D.. An introduction to metamorphic petrology / Bruce W.D. Yardley . [1st ed., repr.] Harlow, Essex : Longman Scientific & Technical, 1993 |
[Roble] | BC | Yardley, Bruce W.D.. Atlas de rocas metamórficas y sus texturas / B.W.D. Yardley, W.S. Mackenzie, C. Guilford ; versión española, Marceliano Lago San José y Enrique Arranz Yagüe Barcelona : Masson, 1997 |