Catálogo | Tipo | Cita |
[Roble] | BB | Clayden, Jonathan. Organic chemistry / Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren . 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2012 |
[Roble] | BB | McMurry, John. Química orgánica / John McMurry ; traducción, María Aurora Lanto Arriola, Jorge Hernández Lanto ; revisión técnica, Alfredo Vázquez Martínez...[et al.] . - 7ªed. México D.F. : Cengage Learning, cop.2008 |
[Roble] | BB | Solomons, T. W. Graham. Organic chemistry : international student version / T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle, Scott A. Snyder . 11th ed. Singapore : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2014 |
[Roble] | BB | Vollhardt, K. Peter C.. Química orgánica : estructura y función / K. Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil E. Schore ; traducción y coordinación, David Andreu Martínez . 5ª ed. Barcelona : Omega, D.L. 2007 [y ediciones posteriores] |
[Roble] | BB | Wade, Leroy Grover, jr. Química orgánica / Leroy G. Wade, Jr. ; con la colaboración de Jan William Simek ; traducción Prisciliono Antonio Enrríquez Brito ; revisión técnica Héctor García Ortega ... [et al] . 9ª ed. México : Pearson Educación de México, cop. 2017 [y ediciones anteriores] |
[Roble] | BC | Carey, Francis A.. Advanced organic chemistry. Part A, Structure and mechanisms / Francis A. Carey and Richard J. Sundberg . - 5th ed. New York [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2007 |
[Roble] | BC | Carey, Francis A.. Advanced organic chemistry. Part B, Reactions and synthesis / Francis A. Carey and Richard J. Sundberg . - 5th ed. New York [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2007 |
[Roble] | BC | Carruthers, W.. Modern methods of organic synthesis / W. Carruthers, Iain Coldham . - 4th ed., repr. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2005 |
[Roble] | BC | Davies, David T.. Aromatic heterocyclic chemistry / David T. Davies . - Repr. with corr. Oxford [etc.] : University Press, 2004 |
[Roble] | BC | Davis, Benjamin G.. Carbohydrate chemistry / Benjamin G. Davis, Antony J. Fairbanks . 1st ed. repr. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2011, cop. 200 |
[Roble] | BC | Jones, John. Amino acid and peptide synthesis / John Jones . 2nd ed. repr. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2011, cop. 200 |
| BC | Sainsbury, M.. Heterocyclic Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001 |
| BC | Smith, Michael B.. Organic Synthesis. 4th ed. Academic Press. 2016 |