Catálogo | Tipo | Cita |
[Roble] | BB | Applied homogeneous catalysis with organometallic compounds : a comprehensive handbook in two volumes / edited by Boy Cornils and Wolfgang A. Herrmann Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2000 |
[Roble] | BB | Bartholomew, Calvin H.. Fundamentals of industrial catalytic processes / Calvin H. Bartholomew, Robert J. Farrauto . - 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, cop. 2006 |
[Roble] | BB | Behr, Arno. Applied homogeneous catalysis / Arno Behr and Peter Neubert Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2012 |
[Roble] | BB | Bhaduri, Sumit. Homogeneous catalysis : mechanisms and industrial applications / Sumit Bhaduri, Doble Mukesh New York [etc.] : Wiley-Interscience, 2000 |
[Roble] | BB | Bowker, Michael. The basis and applications of heterogeneous catalysis / Michael Bowker . - 1ª ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998 |
[Roble] | BB | Fundamentos y aplicaciones de la catálisis homogénea / editado por Luis A. Oro y Eduardo Sola . 2ª ed. Zaragoza : Luis A. Oro y Eduardo Sola, 2000 |
[Roble] | BB | Hagen, Jens. Industrial catalysis : a practical approach / Jens Hagen. 2nd completely rev. and extended ed. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2006 |
[Roble] | BB | Handbook of heterogeneous catalysis / edited by G. Ertl ... [et al.] . - 2nd comp. rev. and enl. ed. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2008 |
[Roble] | BB | Leeuwen, Piet W. N. M. van. Homogeneous catalysis : understanding the art / Piet W.N.M. van Leeuwen Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 |
[Roble] | BB | Metal-catalysis in industrial organic processes / edited by Gian Paolo Chiusoli, Peter M. Maitlis . - Softback ed. Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, cop. 2008 |
[Roble] | BB | Novel concepts in catalysis and chemical reactors : improving the efficiency for the future / edited by Andrzej Cybulski, Jacob A. Moulijn, and Andrzej Stankiewicz Weinheim (Germany) : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2010 |
[Roble] | BB | Richardson, James Thomas. Principles of catalyst development / James T. Richardson . - 2nd pr. New York ; London : Plenum Press, 1992 |
[Roble] | BB | Rothenberg, Gadi. Catalysis : concepts and green applications / Gadi Rothenberg Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2008 |
[Roble] | BB | Satterfield, Charles N.. Heterogeneous catalysis in industrial practice / Charles N. Satterfield . - 2nd. ed, [repr. with corrections] Malabar, Florida : Krieger Publishing Company , 1991 [reimpr. 1996] |