Catálogo | Tipo | Cita |
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[Roble] | BB | Jayachandran, S., Gimeno, J. & Varadarajan, P. R. (1999). The theory of multimarket competition: a synthesis and implications for marketing strategy. "Journal of Marketing", 63(3), 49-66 |
| BB | Jemison, D. B. & Sitkin, S. B. (1986). Corporate acquisitions: a process perspectives. "Academy of Management Review", 11, 145-163 |
| BB | Miller, J. C. & Pras, B. (1980). The effects of multinational and export diversification on the profit stability of U.S. corporations. "Southern Economic Journal", 46(3), 792-805 |
[Roble] | BB | Morck, R. & Yeung, B. (1991). Why investors value multinationality. "Journal of Business", 64(2), 165-187 |
[Roble] | BB | Porter, M. E. (1987). From competitive advantage to corporate strategy. "Harvard Business Review", 65(3), 43-59 |
[Roble] | BB | Porter, M. E. (1988). De las ventajas competitivas a la estrategia empresarial. "Harvard-Deusto Business Review", 1er trim., 99-121 |
[Roble] | BB | Rumelt, R. (1982). Diversification strategies and profitability. "Strategic Management Journal", 3, 359-369 |
[Roble] | BB | Shapiro, Carl. Information rules : a strategic guide to the network economy / Carl Shapiro, Hal R. Varian. Boston, Mass : Harvard Business School Press, cop. 1999 |
[Roble] | BB | Suarez, F. & Lanzolla, G. (2007). The role of environmental dynamics in building a first mover advantage theory. "Academy of Management Review", 32(2), 377-392 |