5.5.Bibliografía y recursos recomendados

La bibliografía actualizada se encuentra en la BR de la BUZ http://psfunizar10.unizar.es/br13/egAsignaturas.php?codigo=61759

BBAdkins, Sue. Cause related marketing: who cares wins / Sue, Adkins. London: Routledge, 2011
BBBlattberg, Robert C. Sales promotion: concepts, methods, and strategies /Robert C. Blattberg, Scott A. Neslin Prentice Hall, 1990
BBChandon, P. (1995). Consumer research on sales promotions: A state of the art literature review, "Journal of Marketing Management", 11(5), 419-441
BBHemphill, T. A. (1996). Cause?related marketing, fundraising, and environmental nonprofit organizations. "Nonprofit Management and Leadership", 6(4), 403-418
BBLa investigacion de promocion de ventas en España [Recurso electrónico] / coordinador, F. Javier de la Ballina Ballina ; autores, Begoña Álvarez ... [et al.] Oleiros (A Coruña): NetBiblo, 2007
BBMeenaghan, T. & O'Sullivan, P. (2013). Metrics in sponsorship research—Is credibility an issue?. "Psychology & Marketing", 30(5), 408-416
BBMeenaghan, T., McLoughlin, D. & McCormack, A. (2013). New challenges in sponsorship evaluation actors, new media, and the context of praxis. "Psychology & Marketing", 30(5), 444-460
BBNonprofit and Business Sector Collaboration: Social Enterprises, Cause-Related Marketing, Sponsorships, and Other Corporate-Nonprofit Dealings / Walter W. Wymer, Sridhar Samu, editors Routledge, 2013