Catálogo | Tipo | Cita |
[Roble] | BB | Casas Peláez, Justiniano. Optica / Justiniano Casas . - 7ª ed. Zaragoza : [El Autor], 1994 |
| BB | Kafri, O. The physics of moiré metrology / O. Kafri, I. Glatt John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1990. |
[Roble] | BB | Particle image velocimetry : a practical guide / Markus Raffel, Christian E. Willert, Steve T. Wereley, Jürgen Kompenhans . - 2nd ed. Berlin [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2007 |
| BB | Sirohi, R.S . Optical methods of measurement-wholefield techniques / R. S. Sirohi, F. S. Chau Marcel Dekker, 1999. |
| BB | Sirohi, R.S . Speckle metrology / R. S. Sirohi, ed . Marcel Dekker, 1993. |
| BB | Splinter, R.. An introduction to biomedical optics / R. Splinter, B. A. Hooper CRC Press, 2006. |
| BB | Williams, D.C. Optical Methods in Engineering Metrology / D. C. Williams, ed . Chapman & Hall, 1993. |